

Hear is a list of my fears and things that scare me.
Hopefully I will be over some by the time our identities are revealed...

Long empty hallways. Spiders and any other bug for that matter. Not having any friends, but not being alone. My parents fighting. His parents. My secrets. College. Moving out. Marriage. Standing alone. Feet. Crying in font of people. Rain clouds. Boys, boys scare me. Clowns, especially the ones that they make songs about. Being forgotten. Bad grades. Drugs. Alcohol. Confrontation.  Being hated. My height. Being awkward. Scared of thinking that I need to loose weight. Loosing myself. Real life monsters like the girls with nothing better to do. Heights. Getting my heart broken. Loosing someone's trust. Missions. Expectations. Things that jump. My aunt. Messing up. Needles and getting shots. Ebola. Elevators. That my family will hate me if they find out my real secrets. Falling. The dark. Scary movies. Haunted forests. People who don't think love is real. Not being able to change/save the world. Not being creative. Having to find someone new to trust. Not getting accepted into college. Growing up. Door step scenes. Watching a movie on a date and a sex scene comes on. Robbers. 100 miles runners. Making mistakes.  Trusting. Evil cats. People who like cats. Tomatoes. My nose. My eyebrows. My mind

Ya so I may be afraid of a lot of things and I know there is more but I love the things that scare me because they remind me that I'm one of the humans.

1 comment:

  1. "....if they find out my real secrets."
    "Having to find someone new to trust."

    Ah man. These two got me. And the intro is how I felt when I posted mine. It's daunting. Very relatable. To all of it
